Principles of Ethnography Research in Education ∣ David Bwire (Wandera)

Best webinar I've participated in. The discussion didn't over-rely on presentation slides and the speaker kept engaging the participants within the constricts of the time. I think I like the atmosphere was established by the moderator who made it clear that the whole session was casual and the key people involved are just old college … Continue reading Principles of Ethnography Research in Education ∣ David Bwire (Wandera)

Approaches to Discourse Analysis ft. FKIP Unilak’s Studies

Discourse = Text That's it. No, no, I'm kidding, but that is the gist of discourse. Discourse Analysis is studying written language or spoken language (which is, of course, have to be transcribed thus they become written text of dialogue) and connect that language use with the social contexts. Remember Ma'am Marwa's listing out all … Continue reading Approaches to Discourse Analysis ft. FKIP Unilak’s Studies

Ethnography of Communication Mind Map

Ethnography of communication fills the gap of what's usually described in grammars and ethnographics, says Dell Hymes, the guy who practically pioneered this field. It's a fun discipline that doesn't just document grammar, but full on dives into the language use within communities, so culture's a big topic in this field. For further reading to … Continue reading Ethnography of Communication Mind Map

Language in the Contemporary World

Kita tahu bahasa inggris punya reputasi sebagai "bahasa internasional" sekarang, tapi sebenarnya ada bahasa-bahasa lain yang juga memiliki jutaan pembicara {Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, & Arabic}. Kita pakai Bahasa Indonesia di sekolah resmi, dan berbahasa Melayu, Minang atau Tionghoa di rumah. Sama seperti burung cendrawasih yang terancam punah, bahasa pun bisa terancam punah ketika hanya sedikit … Continue reading Language in the Contemporary World