Most Beloved Disturbing Excerpt from Dear Hank and John

“We have colonized the galaxy, at least a small part of it. There is not a square inch of Earth that we have not lived in, or peed on. You can’t find us everywhere on this planet, but can find our waste everywhere on this planet.” “Let’s make a map of places where humans haven’t … Continue reading Most Beloved Disturbing Excerpt from Dear Hank and John

Why We Struggle to Wake Up in the Morning (Mom) + Videos About Education & School

It's true that many teenagers like many adults do have bad bedtime habits, we do have sense of time, it's just different. The reason why we struggle to wake up in the morning isn't solely due to our decisions to stay awake but the way our biology works. Roenneberg et al. (2004) proved that puberty (12 to … Continue reading Why We Struggle to Wake Up in the Morning (Mom) + Videos About Education & School

Higher Psychology and Psychological Profiling

I like reading weird stuff and right now I'm not-yet-super-but-definitely-really interested in higher psychology but there's no wikipedia profile on it. So I'm writing this. Higher Psychology is designed to develop learners’ understanding of the study of human behavior through the application of psychological topics, concepts, theories and approaches. Learners will develop skills in investigating … Continue reading Higher Psychology and Psychological Profiling

Menambahkan Vermicomposting pada kurikulum dengan pembelajaran berbasis proyek sekaligus mengurangi limbah dan menghemat uang kabupaten

Vermicomposting - menggunakan cacing untuk pengomposan - menyediakan cara untuk pengelolaan limbah dan pengurangan untuk menjadi bagian dari kurikulum akademik. Siswa hari ini lapar akan pekerjaan yang nyata, untuk belajar yang bermakna. Pembelajaran berbasis proyek adalah strategi mengajar yang memungkinkan siswa untuk lebih bertanggung jawab atas pembelajaran mereka ketika mereka membuat keputusan dan menciptakan solusi … Continue reading Menambahkan Vermicomposting pada kurikulum dengan pembelajaran berbasis proyek sekaligus mengurangi limbah dan menghemat uang kabupaten